Odpoveď Európskej komisii vo veci ochrany prírody Podunajska

Začiatkom februára t. r. sme rozoslali súrnu výzvu kompetentným v súvislosti so zrušením Správy CHKO Dunajské luhy a nedostatočnou ochranou prírody Podunajska, resp. činnosťou Štátnej ochrany prírody SR pod názvom Štátom riadený úpadok ochrany prírody pokračuje. Na našu výzvu zareagoval aj zástupca Európskej komisie - vedúci oddelenia Presadzovania práva v oblasti životného prostredia Generálneho riaditeľstva Životné prostredie (DG ENV) Paul Speight. Prinášame jeho odpoveď aj našu následnú reakciu.

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Bratislava, March 25, 2019

Dear Mr. Speight,

Thank you for your response to our letter from 11 February, 2019. Let us disagree with your position, expressed in your letter from 25 February, 2019.

We declared our concern not only for the Slovak nature, but also for the European one. And to deal with European values shoud be - first of all - concern of the EU.

From this perspective let us ask you to change your approach and start to protect the European nature with full respect. Especially, if national governments have not enough interest to do it (or even to communicate wiht relevant experts and activists).

For more info: www.ochranari.sk.

Best regards,

Lubica Trubiniova  &  Mikulas Huba (on behalf of signatories of the letter from 11 February, 2019)

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Brusel, 25/02/2019

Dear Ms. Trubiniova,

Thank you for your information from 11 February 2019 about the recent urgent appeal of your NGO on Ministry of the Environment concerning unsystematic and unsustainable restructuring of the organization of the State Nature Conservancy in the Protected Landscape Area Danube floodplains (Dunajske luhy).

We take note of your appeal however we would like to underline that it is for Slovakia to decide about the administrative structure of nature protection, as long as the nature legislation (Habitats Directive 92/43/EC and Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) is properly implemented. Should you have any information and evidence that the above mentioned Directives or other EU legislation were breached, you are advised to use means of redress available at national level (legal action before a national Court), and if you consider it necessary to inform us or lodge a complaint for breach of EU law. The use of the complaint form is obligatory for lodging of a complaint: http://ec.europa.eu/atwork/applying-eu-law/complaint_form_sk.htm

Yours sincerely,

PDF icon List Paula Speighta (EK - DG ENV)266.34 KB
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